So maybe you've heard about these dead birds they found on the street in Austin, the ones that turned my fifteen- minute morning commute into an hour-and-fifteen-minute iron-clad-excuse-to-be-late- to-work. Well they've pretty much ruled ou
t bird flu, or at least they're claiming to. But I want to know, does anyone think I can somehow like, whip the mob up into a frenzy and get Austin to ban fowl kept as livestock inside the city, namely the rooster next door? I mean it's kind of barbaric in this day and age to have livestock, filthy birds, in an urban area. We are living right on top of each other, and I can smell their chicken coop (can salmonella be air-borne?). I feel like I could start some kind of fear-mongering campaign. I mean it's really pretty archaic that people should be allowed to have these birds. Any thoughts?