So maybe you've heard about these dead birds they found on the street in Austin, the ones that turned my fifteen- minute morning commute into an hour-and-fifteen-minute iron-clad-excuse-to-be-late- to-work. Well they've pretty much ruled ou
t bird flu, or at least they're claiming to. But I want to know, does anyone think I can somehow like, whip the mob up into a frenzy and get Austin to ban fowl kept as livestock inside the city, namely the rooster next door? I mean it's kind of barbaric in this day and age to have livestock, filthy birds, in an urban area. We are living right on top of each other, and I can smell their chicken coop (can salmonella be air-borne?). I feel like I could start some kind of fear-mongering campaign. I mean it's really pretty archaic that people should be allowed to have these birds. Any thoughts?

1 comment:
That's scary indeed! I'm sending you some juniper berries (a lung fumigant) just in case! I googled Austin and dead birds and came up with this link, posted in 2002:
Also, the thing to remember is this:
West Nile virus is a viral illness of wild birds. It can be spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito.
Residents are encouraged to take sensible precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The “Four Ds” should be practiced as follows:
Dusk/Dawn – be cautious about outdoor activities at sunrise and sunset. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk.
Dress – consider wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts when outdoors.
DEET – use insect repellants that contain the active ingredient DEET.
Drain – be certain to drain any types of outside containers that hold water. Bird baths should be dumped and refilled twice weekly.
Barring any of the above suggestions, you can always LEAVE AUSTIN!!!
As far as the rooster next door goes, there's always poison corn. Oops! Did I say that?!
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