Thursday, March 22, 2007

You girls...

So I'm in the kitchen putting my dishes in the dishwasher after lunch. There's some man in there who looks like he's fixing the coffee machine or something. So he says to me:

"Oh, finished with lunch?" (They love this ridiculous small talk here in Texas, we can't just politely pretend that the other person doesn't exist like you would do in normal society.)
"Yeah, ha ha ha."
"Did you get full?"
"Um, kind of, ha ha ha."
"Never full enough, huh? Hahahaha!"
So I'm like, "Mmmm, yeah, ha ha," and am walking out of the kitchen, when he says
"You girls, I know how you are, never full enough! Hahahaha!"
What does this mean???? I'm kind of disturbed.

1 comment:

Setra said...

Ya got me! Maybe he's involved with a girl who has an insatiable appetite. Or maybe the girls he dates only goes out with him because he feeds them. Then they eat as much as they can because they're not paying for it. Or maybe he's just stupid and had to say something so he said the first stupid thing that popped into his mind. Those guys...